Friday, June 3, 2011

My Life

    This is my first ever blog:) I guess I will start by explaining why I am starting a blog. I am a first time mom. I have a son Owen who is the new love of my life. I never realized how much m life would change. When I look back on things I can't even remember what my old life was like. I much prefer my New Chapter in life as apposed to last chapter.The reason I am starting my blog is so I can have a place to put all my thoughts.. I am home alone most of the time with Owen as the only one to talk to. This is also a good place to journal and since I hate writing with a pen and paper this is the 2011 way of keeping a journal. I am not sure how this works or who if anyone reads this but if you are reading this and you have questions or ideas or just some friendly advise feel free:)
      Owen is almost eight weeks and is doing great. It was a rocky start. He first struggled with nursing because of what the lactation consultant called a high arch. He then had to be on some formula which made him very crabby. He had major tummy issues from that. Now he is only on breast milk. He does however have acid reflux. This causes him to spit up allot and be in allot of pain. He is now on Medicine called Zatec  (Sp?) This helps with the pain but not the spitting up. He still throws up half of what he eat most of the time. This mean almost around the clock feedings but if you keep him upright it helps stop it alittle. Not only do I breastfeed but I also cloth diaper. I know it sounds crazy but the diapers are super easy and it is just another load of laundry and that isn't too much work.
    I guess that is all I am going to share this time since Owen Is starting to get fussy. Talk to you soon :)

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