Monday, June 20, 2011

Mommy Knows best

 My little Bubble bee!
This past week has been a zoo at our house. Owen had shots last Monday and was put on new meds. a few days before that. On Wednesday it all started. Owen didn't seem himself. He has never been a happy kid.  But I have always been able to calm him down. He has acid reflux and in return he cried also. However, on Wednesday we hit a new low. He started crying and wouldn't stop. He cried six times that day for at least a half an hour at a time. This went on Thursday and Friday. Finally, I decided to take him back in (the third time that week). The Dr. told me to stop nursing and use formula he said he was colic and I just had to deal. I was not OK with this answer. I believe in nursing your child if you can. So I decided to use my own judgment. We instead took him off his new meds and used an herbal supplement of gripe water and just one of his meds. It took a few days but he is now back to normal Owen. Is he perfect?? No... but he hasn't had a screaming episode since Saturday Morning and yesterday he didn't have any. I know Dr.s are trying to help but in this situation Mommy new bast. I can't believe that if I wouldn't have done this he would still be in all that pain. For all you mommies out there that are not sure about what the Dr. suggests is OK with you and your child NO NOT DO IT! You are the voice of your child. Make sure that you feel right with what you choose to do. Make the right choice for you and your child and then weather it works or not you will still feel fine with your choice! Speak up mommies!
Owen and Tobi outside!

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