I am a stay at home mom of one. His name is Owen. I need a place to share my thoughts so this is my new Journal. enjoy!

Monday, July 11, 2011
God is good!
Today was the best day I have had in awhile. After a long weekend of contemplating going back to work I called to let my boss know that I would not be returning. I was nervous about this all weekend and she took it really well. So well that she said she totally understands and that when I am ready to return to work that there will be a spot ready for me. She will make due the year or two that I will take off and then when My little man can go to preschool I will teach preschool while he is there. Wow I am blessed!!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
The past few weeks
Alot has happened since my last post. before we were really struggling with the medicine that the Doctors had put my peanut on. He was crying all the time and was in a lot of pain. It was really hard now he is doing a lot better and is not crying near as much. I however have been making up enough tears for both of us. my husband and I have decided that I am going to go back to work starting in September. I am a preschool teaching and I will be teaching one class Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. It was a really hard decision for us. we no that the best for our little guy is for me to stay home but in order to keep my license and to be able to teaching the future I have decided to take this opportunity. I am great full it is only three days a week and I will be able to pick him up at 2:30. we had been looking at daycare and I don't know how working moms do it. every daycare doesn't seem good enough. I know I am picky but I wish there was a place that looked like it was taken from a story book and I haven't found one yet. we did find one close to it. The lady is nice and she rents a home in a small town where she runs the daycare. Her kids are all older so she doesn't have hr own there so I don't have to worry about playing favorites to her own kids. The house is older but it is filled with nice toys and there is a separate baby room where the babies get their own space. It is as close to perfect as I can find. Got to go little man is crying!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Mommy Knows best
My little Bubble bee!
This past week has been a zoo at our house. Owen had shots last Monday and was put on new meds. a few days before that. On Wednesday it all started. Owen didn't seem himself. He has never been a happy kid. But I have always been able to calm him down. He has acid reflux and in return he cried also. However, on Wednesday we hit a new low. He started crying and wouldn't stop. He cried six times that day for at least a half an hour at a time. This went on Thursday and Friday. Finally, I decided to take him back in (the third time that week). The Dr. told me to stop nursing and use formula he said he was colic and I just had to deal. I was not OK with this answer. I believe in nursing your child if you can. So I decided to use my own judgment. We instead took him off his new meds and used an herbal supplement of gripe water and just one of his meds. It took a few days but he is now back to normal Owen. Is he perfect?? No... but he hasn't had a screaming episode since Saturday Morning and yesterday he didn't have any. I know Dr.s are trying to help but in this situation Mommy new bast. I can't believe that if I wouldn't have done this he would still be in all that pain. For all you mommies out there that are not sure about what the Dr. suggests is OK with you and your child NO NOT DO IT! You are the voice of your child. Make sure that you feel right with what you choose to do. Make the right choice for you and your child and then weather it works or not you will still feel fine with your choice! Speak up mommies!Owen and Tobi outside!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
schedule part two
Today was the official start to "get Owen on a schedule" Right now I am just winging it. I am letting him tell me his needs and I am journaling everything we do so tomorrow we can do just about the same thing. The problem I am finding is he goes down for a nap and wakes up a half an hour later. I rock him and he goes back down easily. I need to find a way to keep him sleeping so he gets a better nap in. It would make him far less crabby. (I hope:) Is there anything that anyone would suggest. I am getting a few books from amazon that might help too. I haven't journaled since this weekend. Let see what did we do. We got somethings done outside. Owen really enjoys being outside so he helps us get stuff done my sitting so nice in his chair:). We went to grandma and Grandpa's for dinner. Oh and Saturday night my husband found out why you don't make noise in the middle of the night. He woke up Owen by shutting a window from then on it was hell. Owen screamed and screamed and would not go back to sleep from 3pm on. It was awful. well I guess you have to learn the lessons the hard way! Too bad I was the one that learned the lesson since I stayed up with him:)
Monday, June 13, 2011
Dear moms,
I need help. I am having a hard time getting my son on a schedule. He is two months old and he nurses all the time like sometimes twice within an hour. And he also has acid reflux. I would love to have to predictability to my life. Does anyone have a book they have used that helped or a website or just some friendly advise. I need all the help I can get!!
Questions I have...
How often should he be nursing?
How often should he nap during the day?
When should I put him to bad a night?
I need help. I am having a hard time getting my son on a schedule. He is two months old and he nurses all the time like sometimes twice within an hour. And he also has acid reflux. I would love to have to predictability to my life. Does anyone have a book they have used that helped or a website or just some friendly advise. I need all the help I can get!!
Questions I have...
How often should he be nursing?
How often should he nap during the day?
When should I put him to bad a night?
Thursday, June 9, 2011
The mall
Today Owen and I went to the mall to shop for a Father's day present. It was the first time that I went to the mall by myself with him. It went really well. However I did notice two things. 1) stores do not have clothes racks far enough apart to push a stroller through. Some places you have to look five feet ahead just to map out the path you need to take to make it through the store. If you don't do this you might get stuck in a dead end and have to start all over. The 2nd thing I noticed is moms use strollers as just a giant shopping cart. Most of the moms (including myself) were holding their baby in one arm pushing the stroller with the other. In the stroller was not another child it was bags. I am not sure if we all did this because the kid didn't want to be in the stroller or if the bags were harder to hold. You judge:)
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Owen and I went to the park today. He did great. Normally he would have cried but with the new medicine he just looked around. He and I both had a blast!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Today, Owen had a Dr. Apt. He has acid reflux and we are trying to get the nonstop crying to stop. Sometimes I wonder if it is really acid reflux or if it is just me being a bad mom. Who knows maybe I am not holding him right or changing his diaper the way he likes it or maybe he doesn't like me but what ever it is I hope it gets better. he is very picky and right now he thinks he needs him mom 24/7. I feel bad for Ben because he has a hard time relating to kids any way and right now his son acts as if he doesn't like him. That makes having Ben watch him very hard. I also have a hard time not stepping in when that happens. Well as for the rest of the day, Owen is sleeping right now I am going to clean up the house and if there is still time left I am going to make a shutter fly book and take a nap. Pray there is enough time for at least the nap:)
What a weekend
After a long weekend of great weather I am back at bing home alone with my son. I found that the more structure he has the better night sleep he and I both get. This weekend the weather was great in Minnesota. On Saturday we spent the day working outside and getting things done. On Sunday we went with my husbands parents on their boat. It was Owen first time on a boat. At first I thought someone was going to call us in for hurting our child because he hated his life jacket and screamed until he got his bottle on the boat. This weekend was also the first time I went out with out Owen. I went on Thursday to the casino with friend and then on Friday Ben and I went out to eat. It was different leaving him. I liked getting some stress free time. But the stresses of having him with are almost easier than the stresses of worrying if he is ok. Well I guess I should go He is starting to fuss. If there is anyone that ever follows this got any ideas of things to do for a stay at home mom with a kid I need something to do with him:)
Friday, June 3, 2011
My Life
This is my first ever blog:) I guess I will start by explaining why I am starting a blog. I am a first time mom. I have a son Owen who is the new love of my life. I never realized how much m life would change. When I look back on things I can't even remember what my old life was like. I much prefer my New Chapter in life as apposed to last chapter.The reason I am starting my blog is so I can have a place to put all my thoughts.. I am home alone most of the time with Owen as the only one to talk to. This is also a good place to journal and since I hate writing with a pen and paper this is the 2011 way of keeping a journal. I am not sure how this works or who if anyone reads this but if you are reading this and you have questions or ideas or just some friendly advise feel free:)
Owen is almost eight weeks and is doing great. It was a rocky start. He first struggled with nursing because of what the lactation consultant called a high arch. He then had to be on some formula which made him very crabby. He had major tummy issues from that. Now he is only on breast milk. He does however have acid reflux. This causes him to spit up allot and be in allot of pain. He is now on Medicine called Zatec (Sp?) This helps with the pain but not the spitting up. He still throws up half of what he eat most of the time. This mean almost around the clock feedings but if you keep him upright it helps stop it alittle. Not only do I breastfeed but I also cloth diaper. I know it sounds crazy but the diapers are super easy and it is just another load of laundry and that isn't too much work.
I guess that is all I am going to share this time since Owen Is starting to get fussy. Talk to you soon :)
Owen is almost eight weeks and is doing great. It was a rocky start. He first struggled with nursing because of what the lactation consultant called a high arch. He then had to be on some formula which made him very crabby. He had major tummy issues from that. Now he is only on breast milk. He does however have acid reflux. This causes him to spit up allot and be in allot of pain. He is now on Medicine called Zatec (Sp?) This helps with the pain but not the spitting up. He still throws up half of what he eat most of the time. This mean almost around the clock feedings but if you keep him upright it helps stop it alittle. Not only do I breastfeed but I also cloth diaper. I know it sounds crazy but the diapers are super easy and it is just another load of laundry and that isn't too much work.
I guess that is all I am going to share this time since Owen Is starting to get fussy. Talk to you soon :)
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